How do you say thank you to someone
who changed your life? How do you say thank you to someone
who gives you the confidence to keep a dog that you think
is doomed?
If you are reading this testimonial
in order to make a decision of whether or not to contact
Canine Magic, do not hesitate. Canine Magic changed not
only my life, but most importantly, the life of my two and
a half year-old Doberman, "Farley".
My dog chased cars, people, bicycles...you
name it. He did not listen. Yes, I did conventional dog
training with treats, but to get any results, I would have
had to carry a steak in my pocket. He did not respect me
or anyone else for that matter. One day with Terry, and
his behavior changed immediately.
I was in charge!
There are many folks
out there who do not understand E-Collar training. It
does NOT hurt the dog! Like anything else, it can be abused.
Used properly, it is the only training method I will ever
use. The photo that accompanies this testimonial is a
true reflection of what Canine Magic can do for you. On
my porch, there are 5 dogs, a neighbor, and an 8 yr-old
child. A year ago, my dog would have first tried to eliminate
all the other dogs, scare the child and attempt to intimidate
the adult. To me, this picture is worth a thousand words...
Thank you Terry, from the bottom
of my heart.
Robin Todd (and Farley)
Warren, MA
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