All Stories
Out of
Manners &
- Fearful
Last Resort
"Let me first say what an amazing and down to earth person Terry is. She has taught us so much about our relationship with our dog, and the many ways we could make it better...”
Full Testimonial  |
"I am over the moon with this dog's "new" disposition and behavior... It’s nothing short of a major life changer!...”
Full Testimonial  |
"After working with two highly rated trainers, nothing seemed to work, and my vet told me that he’d have to be put down if I was not successful dealing with his fear aggression…”
Full Testimonial  |
"Sophie, was very skittish and anxious due to past trauma ...”
Full Testimonial  |
"Our rescue Golden Retriever gets very excited when he sees another dog, pulling on the leash and leaping around which made it very had to walk around populated areas and to allow him to play with other dogs...”
Full Testimonial  |
"She was all over the furniture, even taking our usual seats. She jumped on people, chased squirrels, and ripped through our window screens. She would also dig in the yard to where it was beginning to look like ...”
Full Testimonial  |
"I was always nervous about letting him off the leash because I wasn't sure I could get him back… but now it’s not even a concern...”
Full Testimonial  |
"At my wit's end, I signed up for Angie's List and typed in "Dog training", that’s when I found Terry…We literally had a different dog from one day to the next...”
Full Testimonial  |
“We’re so glad to have spent time with you...Her training results have been wonderful and life changing for us...”
Full Testimonial  |
"When she was told to do something that she didn't want to do, she would show her teeth and warn us to stay away. Eventually we both ended up getting bitten…. Rubie is now a dream...”
Full Testimonial  |
"She was given up for adoption after her first year of life because she was 'too much to handle'… Now I cannot even imagine that she was ever that difficult...”
Full Testimonial  |
“He was wild and I was frustrated. I called Terry Christie and all my prayers were answered...”
Full Testimonial  |
“He was especially aggressive toward anyone visiting my house, to the extent that my grandchildren had become afraid to visit… After the very first session with Terry, I could see great improvement…”
Full Testimonial  |
“Bear is a handsome little guy… But unfortunately, the cuteness wasn’t enough for me to ignore some really bad behaviors… Now at just 6 months-old, Bear is already far beyond the dog we’d ever hoped he would be…”
Full Testimonial  |
“It seemed like he would never grow out of mouthing/nipping and jumping on everyone… Now when people see him, they can’t get over the change…”
Full Testimonial  |
“Eventually, walking her became a very unpleasant event. We really wanted her to get out more, but weren’t sure exactly how… Then we heard about Canine Magic…”
Full Testimonial  |
"She had issues with barking, getting out of control, and chasing our cat… After one week, she no longer acted up… the difference was truly like magic "
Full Testimonial  |
"Brady was difficult to manage right from the start… I enrolled him in a 10-week obedience program... But still had the same out of control dog I started with… We are now in our 6th week of training with Terry Christie, and I will tell you that everything I read on the website is true! "
Full Testimonial  |
“He was totally obsessed with other dogs. I had been dragged across streets, parks, mud, and had the bruises and road burn to prove it…. Now each day is an absolute joy with Tobin..."
Full Testimonial  |
“Erik and I wanted to thank you for providing us with the information and tools we needed for having a well behaved dog..."
Full Testimonial  |
We adopted Major, a 5 month-old, Lab-Pointer mix puppy from a rescue organization… but within a few days, he began to show signs of some dominant and aggressive behavior… I contacted Canine Magic, and it was the best decision I could have ever made!
Full Testimonial  |
He had developed a fear of unfamiliar dogs as the result of several random attacks… Riot soon learned to focus on me instead of worrying about everything else around him.
Full Testimonial  |
“His aggression was so intense, that he actually broke a window trying to get to a dog being walked past our house… Within just a few weeks of working with Terry, his problem behaviors were almost non-existent!
Full Testimonial  |
“I really thought I was going to have to give him up because I just couldn't control his behavior… Now, I can’t contain my happiness, and I just have to share...
Full Testimonial  |
Within the first couple of months, she began grabbing the hairdryer and vacuum cords, jumping up at me, and nipping at my feet... Maya is now a 3 year-old, happy, balanced dog who loves to please. Terry will show you how to have a happy dog and a happy home!
Full Testimonial  |
“This training program has truly changed the dynamic in our household; I am so happy that we did this... “Don’t waste your time and money with other trainers, just go straight to Canine Magic, and you will get more than your money’s worth.”
Full Testimonial  |
“So how hard could it be to train a Chihuahua? The answer, VERY…
Then I found Canine Magic, which couldn’t be named any better!”
Full Testimonial  |
“To our amazement, after just two training sessions with Terry, we had already accomplished half of what was on our wish list... A month or two later, we realized we now had everything we had wished for and more!”
Full Testimonial  |
“She was making our lives miserable, and we were truly at the end of our rope… Now, she is fabulous, calm and well-behaved!”
Full Testimonial  |
“She was very fearful from the moment I brought her home… She wouldn’t even leave her crate, and she didn’t care if I was at home or not… Then one day, Mandy's fears started to come out as aggression... "
Full Testimonial  |
“At that first meeting when Terry told me that she could help us, I didn’t believe it… Terry is a phenomenal trainer, and I couldn’t be any happier with the results. She certainly delivered…”
Full Testimonial  |
“She is a strong dog, and she pulled her leash all the time...Sadly, my 8-year old son, who had wanted the dog so badly, couldn't even walk her...Our first training session with Terry was amazing...”
Full Testimonial  |
“Although we love Ozzie very much, I don't know how much longer we could have kept cleaning up after his accidents … Since our first session, he has never gone to the bathroom in the house again…”
Full Testimonial  |
“She is a 6-pound Yorkie with tons of spunk, and the love of our lives. We couldn’t imagine life without her. However, she has been a challenge…”
Full Testimonial  |
“When we’d bring her out into our fenced in yard, we’d have to keep her on a leash, because she’d be too frightened to come back in the house on her own..."
Full Testimonial  |
“At first, I tried traditional obedience training, but he continued to pull me when on his leash, still jumped on people and still barked continuously..."
Full Testimonial  |
“Cooper is now a very happy dog who knows his place within our family. He no longer growls or snaps at us when he is eating or playing with a favorite bone or toy. Terry has proven that she can be an extremely valuable part of dog training..."
Full Testimonial  |
“She would whine for attention when the phone rang, begged at the dinner table, jumped on the furniture, slept on my bed, and led me around on her walks… Bella and I are so much closer now than ever before…"
Full Testimonial  |
“Terry’s program is incredible! She will take you back from the brink of insanity, and eliminate all your frustration. She is patient, knowledgeable, and her program is extremely effective.”
Full Testimonial  |
“Jada was afraid to walk on the street, and was frightened by cars and trucks. Scout loved people so much, that he would jump on everyone … To our continued amazement, Jada isn’t afraid of walking on the street anymore!"
Full Testimonial  |
"The change in Lydia is nothing short of magical! Our house is no longer filled with tension and yelling, and the constant barking is gone. She’s no longer biting us, now waits at the door, comes when called, and walks properly on a leash. "
Full Testimonial  |
“He would, without provocation, lunge and attempt to attack anything in his path (people, animals, etc.). My landlord wanted to kick me out; I was threatened by fellow tenants, and another trainer told me I would have to put him down..."
Full Testimonial  |
"“I had a one year-old Bull Mastiff who at the time weighed 120 pounds, and I was pregnant with my third child…This was my last hope of keeping him… But then my luck changed when I met Terry…"
Full Testimonial  |
have a Siberian husky that loves to run
We've lost her
so many times; we knew it was just a matter of time before
she was gone forever
Now we just call her and she comes
right back to us
Full Testimonial  |
had already tried several other forms of training, which only
seemed to make things worse
Not only does he now respond
to our commands, but he is a much happier dog
Full Testimonial  |
we started training with Terry, we had just finished a reactive
dog training class where we hadn't made any progress
We are now having an excellent summer with our dogs, who are
enjoying more freedom than they've ever had
Full Testimonial  |
“We were surprised at how aggressive he was for a Golden Retriever… I had to get this under control right away… It is amazing how quickly your training had an impact on Teddy…"
Full Testimonial  |
I first came to meet Terry, I had a dog that jumped on everyone
she met
Right from the start with Canine Magic, Terry
taught me how to be the pack leader
Full Testimonial  |
of Sadie's issues were running after cars, pulling on the
leash, not listening to me, and jumping on my guests
Within 5 minutes of working with Terry, Sadie was heeling
and giving Terry her full attention
Full Testimonial  |
developed anxiety and a fear of loud noises and lights that
made her life miserable. When she was inside all she did was
hide under pillows or covers
Nubis is a much happier
dog now. My "broken" dog has been fixed... "
Full Testimonial  |
have NO behavior issues to report, because we started with
the proper training from the beginning
We can't thank
you enough. I enjoy classes so much. I have met such wonderful
people (including you!) and just love meeting dog lovers
Full Testimonial  |
How do you say thank you to someone who changed your
Full Testimonial  |
"She would escape from our house at every opportunity, and
I constantly lived in fear that she would somehow get away
and we'd never see her again. But now that's all in the past..."
Full Testimonial  |
He would become aggressive if anyone challenged him,
and would not hesitate to bite to get his message across
Since the first day, the change in Teddy has been overwhelming
Full Testimonial  |
I either had to find something that worked, or possibly
return Morgan to her breeder. .. I'm glad to say that Morgan
is still a member of our family
Full Testimonial  |
He had become increasingly protective, and we were unable
to invite guests into our own home
Then we found Terry
and Canine Magic..."
Full Testimonial  |
Because of his snarling, growling and snapping, we were
very seriously considering returning him to the shelter
Within the first hour of working with Terry, our dog had made
a 100% change in behavior
Full Testimonial  |
He was inconsistent in his recall, would chase anything
that moved, and would randomly get into fights with other
Japhy now runs off-leash every day and plays and
socializes normally with other dogs..."
Full Testimonial  |
We were overwhelmed by the stress in having to struggle
for control over our dog, not to mention how embarrassed her
terrible manners had made us
Canine Magic was the only
thing in a long line of things tried, that worked
Full Testimonial  |
I just wanted to let you know how the training was going...
I LOVE IT... The girls are behaving like jewels, and we actually
have a much better relationship now
Full Testimonial  |
I had already attended clicker / treat training classes
with little success, and I was frustrated at the lack of progress
we had made
. Nothing we had tried in the past had worked.
Terry had accomplished the impossible
Full Testimonial  |
"Over the years, I have worked my dogs with traditional, clicker,
and other remote-collar trainers. Nothing I have ever tried
compares to the ease and speed of the training system used
by Canine Magic..."
Full Testimonial  |
She was basically out of control ... biting when you
tried to take something away from her and never listening
to anyone
Sure enough, once Penny realized that I was
in charge, she made a complete turnaround
Full Testimonial  |
The worst thing of all was the barking. She would bark
at everyone, everything, and all the time
Our friends
and family cant believe shes the same dog
Full Testimonial  |
"When we got our Jack Russell, Captain Jack, he had great
personality and terrible behavior. We started working with
Canine Magic, and the difference has been tremendous..."
Full Testimonial  |
She pulled so hard during one of our 'walks' that I
suffered a significant injury
Now my young children
can walk her, which was previously unthinkable
Full Testimonial  |
We always loved Brady, but found it difficult to relax
because we were always anticipating him getting into trouble
Now we can love him and be relaxed and enjoy him all at the
same time
Full Testimonial  |
His temptations and greeting manners were less than
desirable, and at 90 lbs, this behavior was beginning to become
But now this is all in the past
Full Testimonial  |
We had very little control over him, and walks were
comprised of being pulled around the block
It was amazing
how quickly we saw a change in his behavior
Full Testimonial  |
He started exhibiting aggression towards people and
my family and I were seriously thinking about having to put
him down
You work wonders and you have saved his life
Full Testimonial  |
"A mutual trust has developed between my 8 year-old Husky-mix,
Abby, and me since we started the training that has totally
changed our relationship..."
Full Testimonial  |
"I am over the moon with this dog's "new" disposition and behavior... It’s nothing short of a major life changer!...”
Full Testimonial  |
"She was all over the furniture, even taking our usual seats. She jumped on people, chased squirrels, and ripped through our window screens. She would also dig in the yard to where it was beginning to look like ...”
Full Testimonial  |
“We’re so glad to have spent time with you...Her training results have been wonderful and life changing for us...”
Full Testimonial  |
"At my wit's end, I signed up for Angie's List and typed in "Dog training", that’s when I found Terry…We literally had a different dog from one day to the next...”
Full Testimonial  |
"I was always nervous about letting him off the leash because I wasn't sure I could get him back… but now it’s not even a concern...”
Full Testimonial  |
"She was given up for adoption after her first year of life because she was 'too much to handle'… Now I cannot even imagine that she was ever that difficult...”
Full Testimonial  |
“He was wild and I was frustrated. I called Terry Christie and all my prayers were answered...”
Full Testimonial  |
“Bear is a handsome little guy… But unfortunately, the cuteness wasn’t enough for me to ignore some really bad behaviors… Now at just 6 months-old, Bear is already far beyond the dog we’d ever hoped he would be…”
Full Testimonial  |
“It seemed like he would never grow out of mouthing/nipping and jumping on everyone… Now when people see him, they can’t get over the change…”
Full Testimonial  |
"She had issues with barking, getting out of control, and chasing our cat… After one week, she no longer acted up… the difference was truly like magic "
Full Testimonial  |
"Brady was difficult to manage right from the start… I enrolled him in a 10-week obedience program... But still had the same out of control dog I started with… We are now in our 6th week of training with Terry Christie, and I will tell you that everything I read on the website is true!” "
Full Testimonial  |
“Erik and I wanted to thank you for providing us with the information and tools we needed for having a well behaved dog..."
Full Testimonial  |
“She was making our lives miserable, and we were truly at the end of our rope… Now, she is fabulous, calm and well-behaved!”
Full Testimonial  |
“She is a strong dog, and she pulled her leash all the time...Sadly, my 8-year old son, who had wanted the dog so badly, couldn't even walk her...Our first training session with Terry was amazing...”
Full Testimonial  |
“Although we love Ozzie very much, I don't know how much longer we could have kept cleaning up after his accidents … Since our first session, he has never gone to the bathroom in the house again…”
Full Testimonial  |
“At first, I tried traditional obedience training, but he continued to pull me when on his leash, still jumped on people and still barked continuously..."
Full Testimonial  |
“She would whine for attention when the phone rang, begged at the dinner table, jumped on the furniture, slept on my bed, and led me around on her walks… Bella and I are so much closer now than ever before…"
Full Testimonial  |
“Terry’s program is incredible! She will take you back from the brink of insanity, and eliminate all your frustration. She is patient, knowledgeable, and her program is extremely effective.”
Full Testimonial  |
"The change in Lydia is nothing short of magical! Our house is no longer filled with tension and yelling, and the constant barking is gone. She’s no longer biting us, now waits at the door, comes when called, and walks properly on a leash. "
Full Testimonial  |
“He would, without provocation, lunge and attempt to attack anything in his path (people, animals, etc.). My landlord wanted to kick me out; I was threatened by fellow tenants, and another trainer told me I would have to put him down..."
Full Testimonial  |
“We were surprised at how aggressive he was for a Golden Retriever… I had to get this under control right away… It is amazing how quickly your training had an impact on Teddy…"
Full Testimonial  |
I first came to meet Terry, I had a dog that jumped on everyone
she met
Right from the start with Canine Magic, Terry
taught me how to be the pack leader
Full Testimonial  |
of Sadie's issues were running after cars, pulling on the
leash, not listening to me, and jumping on my guests
Within 5 minutes of working with Terry, Sadie was heeling
and giving Terry her full attention
Full Testimonial  |
I either had to find something that worked, or possibly
return Morgan to her breeder. .. I'm glad to say that Morgan
is still a member of our family
Full Testimonial  |
We were overwhelmed by the stress in having to struggle
for control over our dog, not to mention how embarrassed her
terrible manners had made us
Canine Magic was the only
thing in a long line of things tried, that worked
Full Testimonial  |
I just wanted to let you know how the training was going...
I LOVE IT... The girls are behaving like jewels, and we actually
have a much better relationship now
Full Testimonial  |
The worst thing of all was the barking. She would bark
at everyone, everything, and all the time
Our friends
and family cant believe shes the same dog
Full Testimonial  |
"When we got our Jack Russell, Captain Jack, he had great
personality and terrible behavior. We started working with
Canine Magic, and the difference has been tremendous..."
Full Testimonial  |
She pulled so hard during one of our 'walks' that I
suffered a significant injury
Now my young children
can walk her, which was previously unthinkable
Full Testimonial  |
We always loved Brady, but found it difficult to relax
because we were always anticipating him getting into trouble
Now we can love him and be relaxed and enjoy him all at the
same time
Full Testimonial  |
His temptations and greeting manners were less than
desirable, and at 90 lbs, this behavior was beginning to become
But now this is all in the past
Full Testimonial  |
We had very little control over him, and walks were
comprised of being pulled around the block
It was amazing
how quickly we saw a change in his behavior
Full Testimonial  |
"I am over the moon with this dog's "new" disposition and behavior... It’s nothing short of a major life changer!...”
Full Testimonial  |
"She was all over the furniture, even taking our usual seats. She jumped on people, chased squirrels, and ripped through our window screens. She would also dig in the yard to where it was beginning to look like ...”
Full Testimonial  |
"After working with two highly rated trainers, nothing seemed to work, and my vet told me that he’d have to be put down if I was not successful dealing with his fear aggression...”
Full Testimonial  |
"At my wit's end, I signed up for Angie's List and typed in "Dog training", that’s when I found Terry…We literally had a different dog from one day to the next...”
Full Testimonial  |
"About 2 years ago, I felt that Nubis and I needed a new training challenge, so I decided to contact a local agility training center..."
Full Testimonial  |
We adopted Major, a 5 month-old, Lab-Pointer mix puppy from a rescue organization… but within a few days, he began to show signs of some dominant and aggressive behavior… I contacted Canine Magic, and it was the best decision I could have ever made!
Full Testimonial  |
Within the first couple of months, she began grabbing the hairdryer and vacuum cords, jumping up at me, and nipping at my feet... Maya is now a 3 year-old, happy, balanced dog who loves to please. Terry will show you how to have a happy dog and a happy home!
Full Testimonial  |
“This training program has truly changed the dynamic in our household; I am so happy that we did this... “Don’t waste your time and money with other trainers, just go straight to Canine Magic, and you will get more than your money’s worth.”
Full Testimonial  |
“Although we love Ozzie very much, I don't know how much longer we could have kept cleaning up after his accidents … Since our first session, he has never gone to the bathroom in the house again…”
Full Testimonial  |
“She is a 6-pound Yorkie with tons of spunk, and the love of our lives. We couldn’t imagine life without her. However, she has been a challenge…”
Full Testimonial  |
“Cooper is now a very happy dog who knows his place within our family. He no longer growls or snaps at us when he is eating or playing with a favorite bone or toy. Terry has proven that she can be an extremely valuable part of dog training..."
Full Testimonial  |
"“I had a one year-old Bull Mastiff who at the time weighed 120 pounds, and I was pregnant with my third child…This was my last hope of keeping him… But then my luck changed when I met Terry…"
Full Testimonial  |
have a Siberian husky that loves to run
We've lost her
so many times; we knew it was just a matter of time before
she was gone forever
Now we just call her and she comes
right back to us
Full Testimonial  |
had already tried several other forms of training, which only
seemed to make things worse
Not only does he now respond
to our commands, but he is a much happier dog
Full Testimonial  |
we started training with Terry, we had just finished a reactive
dog training class where we hadn't made any progress
We are now having an excellent summer with our dogs, who are
enjoying more freedom than they've ever had
Full Testimonial  |
have NO behavior issues to report, because we started with
the proper training from the beginning
We can't thank
you enough. I enjoy classes so much. I have met such wonderful
people (including you!) and just love meeting dog lovers
Full Testimonial  |
"She would escape from our house at every opportunity, and
I constantly lived in fear that she would somehow get away
and we'd never see her again. But now that's all in the past..."
Full Testimonial  |
Because of his snarling, growling and snapping, we were
very seriously considering returning him to the shelter
Within the first hour of working with Terry, our dog had made
a 100% change in behavior
Full Testimonial  |
He was inconsistent in his recall, would chase anything
that moved, and would randomly get into fights with other
Japhy now runs off-leash every day and plays and
socializes normally with other dogs..."
Full Testimonial  |
I had already attended clicker / treat training classes
with little success, and I was frustrated at the lack of progress
we had made
. Nothing we had tried in the past had worked.
Terry had accomplished the impossible
Full Testimonial  |
"Over the years, I have worked my dogs with traditional, clicker,
and other remote-collar trainers. Nothing I have ever tried
compares to the ease and speed of the training system used
by Canine Magic..."
Full Testimonial  |
He started exhibiting aggression towards people and
my family and I were seriously thinking about having to put
him down
You work wonders and you have saved his life
Full Testimonial  |
"After working with two highly rated trainers, nothing seemed to work, and my vet told me that he’d have to be put down if I was not successful dealing with his fear aggression...”
Full Testimonial  |
"When she was told to do something that she didn't want to do, she would show her teeth and warn us to stay away. Eventually we both ended up getting bitten…. Rubie is now a dream...”
Full Testimonial  |
“He was especially aggressive toward anyone visiting my house, to the extent that my grandchildren had become afraid to visit… After the very first session with Terry, I could see great improvement…”
Full Testimonial  |
“Bear is a handsome little guy… But unfortunately, the cuteness wasn’t enough for me to ignore some really bad behaviors… Now at just 6 months-old, Bear is already far beyond the dog we’d ever hoped he would be…”
Full Testimonial  |
“Eventually, walking her became a very unpleasant event. We really wanted her to get out more, but weren’t sure exactly how… Then we heard about Canine Magic…”
Full Testimonial  |
“He was totally obsessed with other dogs. I had been dragged across streets, parks, mud, and had the bruises and road burn to prove it…. Now each day is an absolute joy with Tobin..."
Full Testimonial  |
We adopted Major, a 5 month-old, Lab-Pointer mix puppy from a rescue organization… but within a few days, he began to show signs of some dominant and aggressive behavior… I contacted Canine Magic, and it was the best decision I could have ever made!
Full Testimonial  |
“His aggression was so intense, that he actually broke a window trying to get to a dog being walked past our house… Within just a few weeks of working with Terry, his problem behaviors were almost non-existent!
Full Testimonial  |
“I really thought I was going to have to give him up because I just couldn't control his behavior… Now, I can’t contain my happiness, and I just have to share...
Full Testimonial  |
“So how hard could it be to train a Chihuahua? The answer, VERY…
Then I found Canine Magic, which couldn’t be named any better!”
Full Testimonial  |
“To our amazement, after just two training sessions with Terry, we had already accomplished half of what was on our wish list... A month or two later, we realized we now had everything we had wished for and more!”
Full Testimonial  |
“Jada was afraid to walk on the street, and was frightened by cars and trucks. Scout loved people so much, that he would jump on everyone … To our continued amazement, Jada isn’t afraid of walking on the street anymore!"
Full Testimonial  |
we started training with Terry, we had just finished a reactive
dog training class where we hadn't made any progress
We are now having an excellent summer with our dogs, who are
enjoying more freedom than they've ever had
Full Testimonial  |
How do you say thank you to someone who changed your
Full Testimonial  |
He was inconsistent in his recall, would chase anything
that moved, and would randomly get into fights with other
Japhy now runs off-leash every day and plays and
socializes normally with other dogs..."
Full Testimonial  |
"A mutual trust has developed between my 8 year-old Husky-mix,
Abby, and me since we started the training that has totally
changed our relationship..."
Full Testimonial  |
“She is a strong dog, and she pulled her leash all the time...Sadly, my 8-year old son, who had wanted the dog so badly, couldn't even walk her...Our first training session with Terry was amazing...”
Full Testimonial  |
“He would, without provocation, lunge and attempt to attack anything in his path (people, animals, etc.). My landlord wanted to kick me out; I was threatened by fellow tenants, and another trainer told me I would have to put him down..."
Full Testimonial  |
“Cooper is now a very happy dog who knows his place within our family. He no longer growls or snaps at us when he is eating or playing with a favorite bone or toy. Terry has proven that she can be an extremely valuable part of dog training..."
Full Testimonial  |
"The change in Lydia is nothing short of magical! Our house is no longer filled with tension and yelling, and the constant barking is gone. She’s no longer biting us, now waits at the door, comes when called, and walks properly on a leash. "
Full Testimonial  |
“We were surprised at how aggressive he was for a Golden Retriever… I had to get this under control right away… It is amazing how quickly your training had an impact on Teddy…"
Full Testimonial  |
How do you say thank you to someone who changed your
Full Testimonial  |
He would become aggressive if anyone challenged him,
and would not hesitate to bite to get his message across
Since the first day, the change in Teddy has been overwhelming
Full Testimonial  |
He had become increasingly protective, and we were unable
to invite guests into our own home
Then we found Terry
and Canine Magic..."
Full Testimonial  |
Because of his snarling, growling and snapping, we were
very seriously considering returning him to the shelter
Within the first hour of working with Terry, our dog had made
a 100% change in behavior
Full Testimonial  |
She was basically out of control ... biting when you
tried to take something away from her and never listening
to anyone
Sure enough, once Penny realized that I was
in charge, she made a complete turnaround
Full Testimonial  |
He started exhibiting aggression towards people and
my family and I were seriously thinking about having to put
him down
You work wonders and you have saved his life
Full Testimonial  |
"Sophie, was very skittish and anxious due to past trauma ...”
Full Testimonial  |
"After working with two highly rated trainers, nothing seemed to work, and my vet told me that he’d have to be put down if I was not successful dealing with his fear aggression...”
Full Testimonial  |
"me first say what an amazing and down to earth person Terry is. She has taught us so much about our relationship with our dog, and the many ways we could make it better....”
Full Testimonial  |
“Eventually, walking her became a very unpleasant event. We really wanted her to get out more, but weren’t sure exactly how… Then we heard about Canine Magic…”
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He had developed a fear of unfamiliar dogs as the result of several random attacks… Riot soon learned to focus on me instead of worrying about everything else around him.
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“She was very fearful from the moment I brought her home… She wouldn’t even leave her crate, and she didn’t care if I was at home or not… Then one day, Mandy's fears started to come out as aggression... "
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“When we’d bring her out into our fenced in yard, we’d have to keep her on a leash, because she’d be too frightened to come back in the house on her own..."
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“Jada was afraid to walk on the street, and was frightened by cars and trucks. Scout loved people so much, that he would jump on everyone … To our continued amazement, Jada isn’t afraid of walking on the street anymore!"
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developed anxiety and a fear of loud noises and lights that
made her life miserable. When she was inside all she did was
hide under pillows or covers
Nubis is a much happier
dog now. My "broken" dog has been fixed... "
Full Testimonial  |
"She would escape from our house at every opportunity, and
I constantly lived in fear that she would somehow get away
and we'd never see her again. But now that's all in the past..."
Full Testimonial 
“He was especially aggressive toward anyone visiting my house, to the extent that my grandchildren had become afraid to visit… After the very first session with Terry, I could see great improvement…”
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"Brady was difficult to manage right from the start… I enrolled him in a 10-week obedience program... But still had the same out of control dog I started with… We are now in our 6th week of training with Terry Christie, and I will tell you that everything I read on the website is true!” "
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“He was totally obsessed with other dogs. I had been dragged across streets, parks, mud, and had the bruises and road burn to prove it…. Now each day is an absolute joy with Tobin..."
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“She is a strong dog, and she pulled her leash all the time...Sadly, my 8-year old son, who had wanted the dog so badly, couldn't even walk her...Our first training session with Terry was amazing...”
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“At first, I tried traditional obedience training, but he continued to pull me when on his leash, still jumped on people and still barked continuously..."
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“Cooper is now a very happy dog who knows his place within our family. He no longer growls or snaps at us when he is eating or playing with a favorite bone or toy. Terry has proven that she can be an extremely valuable part of dog training..."
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had already tried several other forms of training, which only
seemed to make things worse
Not only does he now respond
to our commands, but he is a much happier dog
Full Testimonial  |
we started training with Terry, we had just finished a reactive
dog training class where we hadn't made any progress
We are now having an excellent summer with our dogs, who are
enjoying more freedom than they've ever had
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I first came to meet Terry, I had a dog that jumped on everyone
she met
Right from the start with Canine Magic, Terry
taught me how to be the pack leader
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of Sadie's issues were running after cars, pulling on the
leash, not listening to me, and jumping on my guests
Within 5 minutes of working with Terry, Sadie was heeling
and giving Terry her full attention
Full Testimonial  |
developed anxiety and a fear of loud noises and lights that
made her life miserable. When she was inside all she did was
hide under pillows or covers
Nubis is a much happier
dog now. My "broken" dog has been fixed... "
Full Testimonial  |
How do you say thank you to someone who changed your
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I either had to find something that worked, or possibly
return Morgan to her breeder. .. I'm glad to say that Morgan
is still a member of our family
Full Testimonial  |
He would become aggressive if anyone challenged him,
and would not hesitate to bite to get his message across
Since the first day, the change in Teddy has been overwhelming
Full Testimonial  |
He was inconsistent in his recall, would chase anything
that moved, and would randomly get into fights with other
Japhy now runs off-leash every day and plays and
socializes normally with other dogs..."
Full Testimonial  |
We were overwhelmed by the stress in having to struggle
for control over our dog, not to mention how embarrassed her
terrible manners had made us
Canine Magic was the only
thing in a long line of things tried, that worked
Full Testimonial  |
I had already attended clicker / treat training classes
with little success, and I was frustrated at the lack of progress
we had made
. Nothing we had tried in the past had worked.
Terry had accomplished the impossible
Full Testimonial  |
"Over the years, I have worked my dogs with traditional, clicker,
and other remote-collar trainers. Nothing I have ever tried
compares to the ease and speed of the training system used
by Canine Magic..."
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She pulled so hard during one of our 'walks' that I
suffered a significant injury
Now my young children
can walk her, which was previously unthinkable
Full Testimonial  |
We always loved Brady, but found it difficult to relax
because we were always anticipating him getting into trouble
Now we can love him and be relaxed and enjoy him all at the
same time
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“She is a strong dog, and she pulled her leash all the time...Sadly, my 8-year old son, who had wanted the dog so badly, couldn't even walk her...Our first training session with Terry was amazing...”
Full Testimonial  |
“Cooper is now a very happy dog who knows his place within our family. He no longer growls or snaps at us when he is eating or playing with a favorite bone or toy. Terry has proven that she can be an extremely valuable part of dog training..."
Full Testimonial  |
had already tried several other forms of training, which only
seemed to make things worse
Not only does he now respond
to our commands, but he is a much happier dog
Full Testimonial  |
How do you say thank you to someone who changed your
Full Testimonial  |
I either had to find something that worked, or possibly
return Morgan to her breeder. .. I'm glad to say that Morgan
is still a member of our family
Full Testimonial  |
He would become aggressive if anyone challenged him,
and would not hesitate to bite to get his message across
Since the first day, the change in Teddy has been overwhelming
Full Testimonial  |
He was inconsistent in his recall, would chase anything
that moved, and would randomly get into fights with other
Japhy now runs off-leash every day and plays and
socializes normally with other dogs..."
Full Testimonial  |
“Jada was afraid to walk on the street, and was frightened by cars and trucks. Scout loved people so much, that he would jump on everyone … To our continued amazement, Jada isn’t afraid of walking on the street anymore!"
Full Testimonial  |
"“I had a one year-old Bull Mastiff who at the time weighed 120 pounds, and I was pregnant with my third child…This was my last hope of keeping him… But then my luck changed when I met Terry…"
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Because of his snarling, growling and snapping, we were
very seriously considering returning him to the shelter
Within the first hour of working with Terry, our dog had made
a 100% change in behavior
Full Testimonial  |
She was basically out of control ... biting when you
tried to take something away from her and never listening
to anyone
Sure enough, once Penny realized that I was
in charge, she made a complete turnaround
Full Testimonial  |
He started exhibiting aggression towards people and
my family and I were seriously thinking about having to put
him down
You work wonders and you have saved his life
Full Testimonial  |
“He would, without provocation, lunge and attempt to attack anything in his path (people, animals, etc.). My landlord wanted to kick me out; I was threatened by fellow tenants, and another trainer told me I would have to put him down..."
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